Our most genuine and profound quest is for insight, seeking to attain a complete understanding of things. Only this kind of comprehensive understanding is enduring, unifying, and truly embodies love. On this journey, we are continuously guided. A mysterious force surrounds us, leading us to a place we cannot reach on our own. Where will it eventually take us? Does it guide us upward or downward? It always guides us downward, towards connection with everything, towards a union with love. Together with others, we are rooted in the earth, looking ahead, moving towards a great power that far exceeds us. There, we will finally find peace without needing to chase it, as we have always been guided to know with certainty. So, when do we stray from such a quest? When we look elsewhere for answers, when we expect others to lead us by the hand, or when we try to find temporary guidance. Therefore, even if we are surrounded by many companions, we are ultimately alone on the path of this quest, alone with this force, with the “Tao”, and not looking for other answers or guidance. The Tao guides us to practice, to practice acts of love, and to practice actions that connect many people. Even as we enter the realm of complete love, we continue to be guided—on the long journey, within our deepest selves, in moments of solitude, and in moments of fulfillment. In this love,
searching and discovering become one,
love and understanding merge,
joy and suffering are unified,
and beginnings and endings are integrated.
Everything becomes one.
Extracted from “Rising in Love”
by Bert Hellinger