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Walking with the Present Moment

The state we are in right now is the most appropriate place for us in this moment. Let each present moment guide me to accept myself, others, and everything as they truly are. We embark on our life journey, moving through each moment, step by step. Only by walking the path of the present moment can we delve deeply into our inner selves. Trust that our current state is the most fitting place for us right now, and from here, we can begin our inner journey. In this present moment, I accept my surroundings and the people around me just as they are; I also accept myself just as I am. By genuinely accepting myself, others, and the entire external world, all unnecessary expectations dissolve in this moment. I no longer worry or have regrets, and all struggles with the outside world settle into peace. In this way, I remain in this tranquility, fully surrendering myself to it, allowing it to lead me inward, calmly and steadily, going wherever I need to go. Thus, I am already on the path to discovering my inner self. On this inner journey, there are moments when I gain sudden insights, understanding the next step in life and knowing whether immediate action is necessary. However, most of the time, I do not act right away; I wait a little longer, staying in the present moment. I let each moment guide me to accept myself, others, and everything as they are. Embracing this mindset allows my inner core to lead me more calmly and peacefully into the external world. What comes next? There is no need to intentionally do anything; the external world seems to change on its own. If action is still required, having returned from my inner journey, my actions will have a completely different strength. Why? Because I carry a different quality of love now.

Extracted from “Journeys to the Core”

by Bert Hellinger

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